lunes, 22 de octubre de 2007

¿Qué diría un genómico?...

A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting in a café and notice people going into and coming out of the house across the street. First they see two people going into the house. Time passes. After a while, they notice three persons coming out of the house.
The physicist: "The measurement was not accurate."
The biologist: "They have reproduced."
The mathematician: "If one person enters the house, then it will be empty again."

...¿qué diría un genómico?...

Aeternum vale
'Cause jokes aren't pink

viernes, 12 de octubre de 2007

Bichos raros...

No se por que me sorprende aun (siendo que en cuerna todo puede pasar). En genómicas encontramos un coléoptero gigante... (escarabajo para los amigos ;)). Después de Google-éarlo un rato, encontré que pertenece a la especie Dynastes neptunus (por lo menos es a la especie que más se parece, aunque también podría ser un hércules), comúnmente llamada como escarabajo rinoceronte.

Su descripción es la siguiente:
"Dynastes neptunus is rather similar in form to the somewhat larger D. hercules, but its body is black instead of brown. Also, the horns are more slender and often much more curving than in D. hercules, and the cephalic horn is of similar length to the thoracic one. Additionally, there are two lesser yet very pronounced horizontal horns parallel to the base of the thoracic horn. D. neptunus had a reputation as being a very rare beetle for many years, but that was before it was discovered that it mainly only emerges from hiding just before dawn, and perhaps that is why it was not frequently seen previously. It is now known to be quite common in the rain forests throughout much of the northwestern portion of South America."
Realmente es un bicho muy bonito, y como tenia cuernos es macho, dado que las hembras carecen de los mismos.

Una de las cosas mas raras (además de su gran tamaño) era su color... en todas las fotos que he visto es de color negro o cafe oscuro... pero no de un color amarillo raro :S... pero en fin, es cuerna...

Estas son algunas de las fotos para que lo conozcan:

Aeternum vale
'Cause Beetles aren't pink